
New Book Just Released

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While writing this book, I was asked, “Why do you want to write about the past? You need to forget it and move forward.”

“I have moved forward,” I said.  “Then leave the past alone.”

I tried to explain, but I knew they just didn’t get it. Almost 40 years ago, God told me to write a book. I don’t know why he tells us things so far in advance. I immediately got out my portable electric typewriter, (yes a Smith Corona), and began to write. Over the next few months I managed to write about 7 chapters before throwing it in the drawer of mistaken dreams.

Recently when I felt the urging, somehow I knew the time was right. I now know why God had me wait so long. My motives needed to be weighed. I needed to be healed. I needed to completely forgive. I needed to forgive myself. I needed to be exactly where God wanted me to be.

With sincerest heart I write this and I pray your eyes will be opened to the deceitfulness of sin, and the empty promises Satan presents to you as he robes himself as an angel of light.

As I began this book, my first step was to find all my notes, some from my journals of dreams, visions, poems and prophecies I had kept over the years. I’m not an organized person but I am somewhat of a hoarder, this time to my advantage. I was pretty sure I had kept everything that I thought I might want in my future; I just didn’t know where. I was surprised and blessed to find absolutely all the material that I feel God wants me to put in this book.

Before you start thinking I’m one of those whose every sentence is, “God said, or God showed me, ” keep in mind, this book covers about a 40 year span. For part of those years after my divorce, I didn’t hear from God at all. I desperately longed to hear His still small voice, but silence was my companion as I wandered in the desert.

I have changed the names of everyone except my family and those who have given their permission. I do not wish harm on anyone. I have also written this from my own perspective. I obviously don’t/didn’t know another’s heart. That’s God’s business.

While I’ve remembered the contents and the gist of the conversations, I could not possibly remember the exact dialogue. At the same time, some conversations were so painful I remember every word.

I know as you read my story some will find cause to judge me, and that’s ok. Some have already judged me. That too is ok. Trust me, I’ve judged myself even more and I’ve asked myself over and over, “How could you!”

Some of you will find yourselves on the pages of my life’s story, and you will know you are in dire need of a Savior. He’s here. There IS hope. There IS forgiveness. He DOES still love you.

Thankfully I can say, “God is an awesome God! He has kept me through all the dangers I have encountered. He’s brought me through all of my wanderings. He’s healed my diseases. He’s forgiven my doubts, and my many sins. And when He saw me coming back home, He ran with open arms, loving me, helping me to forgive others and especially myself.”

When I shared some of my book with my pastor he said, “Satan thought he had buried you, but what he didn’t know is God had planted you as a seed, and the time has come when you are becoming a tree, bearing precious fruit.”

That was a confirmation of a devotion I had written about a husbandman looking for a seed to start a vineyard. I’ll share it later in the book.

As you read I pray you will be blessed and inspired and that you will see the Father, waiting to wrap His arms around you as you make your way back home.

Please keep me in your prayers.

Annette Smith Bisbee