Annette's Blog Posts

True Story of Tragedy and Triumph

Little Johnny was only five and as far as he knew his life was ok. Then that tragic day came. A loud “BOOM!” Daddy was on the floor, the gun still in his hand.

Life went on, Johnny was all grown up – he thought, and was now on his own. His mom had remarried and all was okay. He had learned to be funny to cover the pain of the memory and the responsibility he felt for his dad’s suicide. Was he to blame? Did he make daddy so miserable that he wanted to die? Was it his fault?

Soon he found a new friend…the bottle. It brought him the comfort he couldn’t get anywhere else – at least for a little while. One gulp and it started to quiet the tormenting voices, stuffing the feelings that he couldn’t express. Before long, the few drinks that once helped had turned into the entire bottle. His  drinking was interfering with his work and his relationships. He was very good at his profession, and it was easy to find another job, but after a few weeks he turned to the bottle, missing work, showing up late, and having trouble relating to others. 

Then one week Johnny could no longer control his life. He drank until he passed out, woke up drank again, passed out, woke up and he drank again. His girlfriend at the time got him to the hospital where the doctor said he was dying of alcohol poisoning.

She called her mother to come and pray for him. He was glad someone cared enough to reach out to him. Seeing he was at the end of his rope and needed to accept Christ, Sis Anderson visited with Johnny, and she asked how his relationship with his father had been.

Johnny explained he never really knew him, and he shared the incident that he still remembered though it had somewhat faded. It was a horrible thing that made Johnny very sad. If he had been bigger, maybe he could have saved his life. 

As Sis Anderson listened to Johnny’s story, she began to realize this horrible memory was ruling Johnny’s life. So, she asked him, “So since you feel responsible, do you think you deserve to die?”

“What do you mean?” he asked with a furrowed brow.

“Obviously you’re trying to kill yourself, Johnny. You’re throwing your life away, too. You do have a choice – totally give your life to Jesus and don’t drink anymore, or die just like your daddy.” She paused for a moment. “I doubt your dad would want you to die, do you?”

“No, he wouldn’t,” he admitted.

“Then let’s pray.”

Sis Anderson bowed her head and Johnny joined in. He asked Jesus into his heart and to take control of his life. He also repented for trying to destroy himself. Afterward he said he felt like a new man.

Note from author: Johnny doesn’t drink anymore. He has a great job, he’s happily married, and the proud daddy of “JB” who favors him a lot. He makes sure they attend church every Sunday. He’s still funny and he often entertains at a local comedy club.